“Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life.” —Oscar Wilde
GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics honors its collective picks for the finest in film, television and New York theater—mainstream to LGBTQ-themed—via our Dorian Awards.
GALECA members vote on the Dorian Awards in a purely democratic fashion. All members are encouraged to name their top 3 choices per category in the nominating round, then their sole choice per category in the final round.
The Dorians have no entry process per se. It is up to professional representatives to make sure qualifying films, TV programs and performances are on our membership’s radar.
Our Film awards are for titles released in the calendar year (if the world allows). Our TV awards go to programs that have aired sometime from June 1 in a given year through May 31 of the following year.
Please note that our Dorians go to all types of content, from general to LGBTQ.
See “Qualifications” on this site for info on submissions and criteria.
Starting with our 2021 TV awards, we returned to gender-neutral performance categories, the format in our first three years.
Dorian Film Award categories
See any current timelines on this site’s home page under Latest News.
Film of the Year
LGBTQ Film of the Year
Director of the Year
Film Performance of the Year
Non-English Language Film of the Year *
Non-English Language LGBTQ Film of the Year *
Screenplay of the Year Original or adapted
LGBTQ Screenplay of the Year Original or adapted
Documentary of the Year
LGBTQ Documentary of the Year
Supporting Film Performance of the Year
Unsung Film of the Year —To an exceptional movie worthy of greater attention
Visually Striking Film of the Year
Animated Film of the Year
Genre Film of the Year For excellence in science fiction, fantasy and horror
Film Music of the Year
Campy Flick of the Year
Rising Star Award
‘Wilde’ Artist Award To a truly groundbreaking force in entertainment
Timeless Star Award Honoring an exemplary career marked by character, wisdom and wit
GALECA LGBTQIA+ Film Trailblazer For creating art that inspires empathy, truth and equity
Dorian TV Award categories
Best TV Drama
Best TV Comedy
Best TV Movie or Limited Series
Best LGBTQ TV Show
Best Unsung TV Show To an exceptional program worthy of greater attention
Best Genre TV Show For excellence in science fiction, fantasy and horror
Best Written TV Show
Best TV Performance—Drama
Best TV Performance—Comedy
Best Supporting TV Performance—Drama
Best Supporting TV Performance—Comedy
Best TV Musical Performance
Best Current Affairs Show Talk show or news/information program
Best TV Documentary or Documentary Series
Best LGBTQ TV Documentary or Documentary Series
Best Non-English Language TV Show
Best LGBTQ Non-English Language TV Show
Best Animated Show
Most Visually Striking TV Show
Best Reality Show
Campiest TV Show
‘Wilde’ Wit Award To an entertainer whose observations both challenge and amuse
TV Icon Award To a uniquely talented star we adore
GALECA LGBTQIA+ TV Trailblazer For creating art that inspires empathy, truth and equity
Dorian Theater Award categories
Voted by the members of GALECA’s Theater Wing
Outstanding Broadway Musical
Outstanding Broadway Play
Outstanding Broadway Revival of a Musical
Outstanding Broadway Revival of a Play
Outstanding Lead Performance in a Broadway Musical
Outstanding Lead Performance in a Broadway Play
Outstanding Featured Performance in a Broadway Musical
Outstanding Featured Performance in a Broadway Play
Outstanding LGBTQ Broadway Production
Outstanding Broadway Ensemble
Broadway Showstopper Award To a standout production number or scene
Outstanding Off-Broadway Production
Outstanding Off-Broadway Performance
LGBTQIA+ Theater Trailblazer For creating art that inspires empathy, truth and equity
* If a nation’s official Academy Award ® entry precedes its public release, it is eligible in all relevant Dorian Award film categories per its Academy run only; however, GALECA is not affiliated with A.M.P.A.S.
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